Litigation Matters

Clients choose Reliable Law Services for our legal excellence, our specialist expertise and our pioneering approach to complex litigation. Our focus is always on success: achieving the best results for our clients around the world.

Examples of Types of Legal Work:

    • Contract disputes
    • Pre-action Protocols
    • TOLATA claims
    • Professional Negligence Cases
    • Contesting a will

General cost principles:

The general practice is that the party that loses a legal case will be responsible for covering the legal expenses of both parties involved.

We have various options how you can fund your case:

    • Private funding
    • Litigation funding
    • Conditional Fee Agreements
    • Damages Based Agreements
    • Legal expenses insurance

Should you require legal representation for your litigation matter, we will explore all the funding options and assess your situation and offer recommendations for the best course of action.

So, if you are looking for a professional law firm in Dunstable, London or Milton Keynes… Call us on 01582751998

Alternatively, you can use the contact form below:

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